Saturday, July 24, 2010

Queen Anne's Lace

For the last several weeks Queen Anne's Lace has been making its appearance.  Now its white flowers are everywhere.  They grace the fields and line our walking paths.  It is as though God intended Queen Anne's Lace to be nature's doilies, decorating the tops of invisible tables along our way.  They nod in the slightest breeze to invite us further into the field.

This flower is from Europe and was very popular during the reign of Queen Anne.  It is found throughout the United States.  Queen Anne's Lace is a biennial, growing only roots, stems, and leaves during the first year.  The second year,  after a cool winter, the flower is added.  It is usually white, but may be pink.  Its flowerets produce seeds except for the sterile black floweret in the center which is sometimes referred to as a drop of Queen Anne's blood.

So, the next time you go for a walk, say, "Hello," to Queen Anne.

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